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Tis for Transparent
Open, Honest, Sincere
Ris for Real
Genuine, Authentic, Solid
Uis for Unique
Original, Distinct, One-of-a-Kind
Eis for Essential
Fundamental, Basic, Whole
Inside a hand mirror
REFLECTION - an image, a thought, an expression, a result.
True Reflections is You

My goal as a Life Coach is to help you find and see your own
True Reflection: who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be

Contact Me Directly

True Reflections

Mirror, mirror in my hand
       On these beliefs my ego stands
I am worthy of trust, respect, love and time
       The acceptance and measure of each in my mind
On the outside I see blemishes and flaws
       Emotions run rampant which cause me to pause
Small glimpses of celebration joy and delight
       Flash moments of memories long gone from my sight
I see fear, anger, pain, disappointment, regret
       The years have slipped by me, I ponder and yet
A new life before me, hearts’ desire I’ll receive
       Good things are coming, I truly believe
Step into the eyes looking deep in my soul
       Where happiness, acceptance, contentment are goal
Mirror, mirror in my hand
       On these beliefs my ego stands
I am exactly as I should be -
       In my reflection that I see.

When was the last time you took a really good look in the mirror?

Did you look beyond the messed-up hair, make-up, imperfections no one else sees?

Did you look past the wrinkles that have somehow mysteriously appeared?

Take a look, deep into those eyes, where only you can go to see your TRUE REFLECTION.

Let me help you release the inner ROCK STAR, the next VAN GOUH or the next MARK TWAIN. It’s time to follow you dream, take the leap, spread you wings – time to FLY.

True Reflections Images


They say ‘Seeing is believing’; ‘You had to have been there’; ‘Walk a mile in his or her shoes’ and ‘You just wouldn’t understand’. Well, let me assure you I have been there, walked those miles, seen firsthand and really do understand.

Walking along a rut that’s gotten so deep you can’t see forward, searching in the dark for purpose and meaning in life, being where I don’t want to be, seeing no escape and forgotten who I am. Life has been lived without being present, always fretting about what happened yesterday and worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow. Well – NO MORE!!!

Don’t get me wrong, my life has been a good one. I have many, many, many things I continually give thanks for. There was just something missing and I didn’t know what. There is no secret ingredient, exercise, incantation or magic chicken. It comes down to looking deep inside one’s self, listening to what your body is trying to tell you, and finding your TRUE REFLECTION.

Working together, one-on-one, I can facilitate and assist you on your journey through the adventure of rediscovering and reconnecting with the real you, to see your TRUE REFLECTION.

We start with a thought (this is the hardest part – putting the issue into words) then we play with it, twist it, turn it, believe and disbelieve it, open and close it, dress it up and dress it down, until we come out on the other side with a much lighter load, straighter direction, and defined purpose.

There are options available, depending on what you’d like to explore and that will fit in any budget.

Contact me for a free 15 minute get to know you call and see what option will be right for you.

Contact Me Directly

Each day begins and ends anew with a reflection upon itself. You can begin each day with reflections on your intention for the day – set your goals with thanksgiving, joyfulness, playfulness and laughter. And end each day with reflections on what you experienced and accomplished with gratitude and reverence. (Click here for a free download – Daily Reflections)

Ask yourself these questions …
  1. If I had the courage, I would…
  2. If I was smart enough, I would…
  3. If I didn’t worry about the future, I would…
  4. If I knew I would not fail, I would…
  5. If I could start over, I would…
  6. If I could be positive it was the right thing, I would…
  7. If I didn’t care about other peoples’ approval, I would…
  8. If I were sure I’d be successful, I would…
  9. If I do nothing, I will…
I can help you take that first step.

Contact me for a free 15 minute “get to know you and me” introductory coaching session.

Contact Me Directly

Janene Axt Photo
Individual Coaching Sessions $85.00 per session
       (Session typically 75 minutes)
Coaching Packages
       4 sessions for $300.00
       6 sessions for $420.00
Equus Coaching Sessions
       2 hour introductory session $250.00
       4 hour (1/2 day)Equine Reflections $475.00
Play Sessions / Workshops
       Individual Session –75 minutes $95.00
       Group Session (2-4 participants) – 1 ½ hour $65 each
Messy Painting Sessions $150.00 per session
       (Session typically 2 hours)
Messy Packages
       4 sessions for $575
       6 sessions for $825
True Reflections © 2025
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